HUADONG Standard Control Panel DSE6120
Features: Taiheyuan Standard Control Panel uses DSE6120 controller. The DSE 6120 MKII is an Auto Mains (Utility) Failure Control Module developed to provide a wide range of operating and monitoring features for single diesel and gas gen-sets.
Functions including:
-Support for 0-10 V & 4-20mA oil pressure senders.
-Heated display option.
-3-phase generator sensing.
-3-phase mains (utility) monitoring.
-Generator/load current monitoring & protection.
- Configurable analogue/digital inputs (9).
-Configurable DC, volt-free and staged loading outputs (6).
-CAN, MPU & alternator speed sensing (selectable depending on engine type).
-Tier 4 CAN engine support.
-Configurable event log (100).
-DSE Configuration Suite PC Software.
-Fuel and start outputs (configurable on CAN).